Wednesday, May 1, 2013

[Ada_list] SCANZ 2015 review


As part of Intercreate's Kahikatea funding there will be a SCANZ 2015, and following from discussion since SCANZ2013, it is highly likely the theme will be Water and Peace.

As part of the organisation of this event, we are wanting to review SCANZ. Basically we are trying to find out if our model is still relevant.

It is our intention to use online survey forms to gather information. Prior to creating questions, I thought it would be good to commence the process with some discussion on this list.

Currently we try and get 15-25 participants together from mid January to early February and cover people's accommodation and food. We also in 2013 had an exhibition, mostly of work not part of a residency project (two weeks is extremely short to bring a project to full exhibition level). We always have a hui, wananga or symposium, either at the beginning or the end of the residency.

What other residency/workshop/hui models do people have experience of? What different ways of doing things would people like to put forward?

Does our current model work for you? If not, what would it take to make it work for you? If it does work for you, what should continue?

Rather than me sending a heap of questions all at once, maybe people could respond to the above questions, and we can take the discussion from that point on.

We would love to get your feedback on these matters.


Ian M Clothier
Faculty of Humanities
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
0064 6 757 3100 x 8895



Jan-Feb SCANZ 2013 3rd nature (creative director)
April Creativity Challenge (organisation team), New Plymouth
May Arts, activism & academia, Auckland
May Transcontinental Hybridity, HybridCity Athens Greece
May Wai revisited, HybridCity Athens
May Transtasman Connect, Balance-UnBalance Noosa Australia
May Environmental response, Balance-UnBalance
Jun ISEA International Advisory Committee, ISEA 2013 Sydney Australia
Jun Leonardo Education and Arts forum, Theme Moderator, ISEA 2013
Oct Re-new (peer reviewer), Copenhagen

Media Art Projects, Nga Motu New Plymouth Aotearoa New Zealand
Being Light, Santa Fe USA

SCANZ 2015: Water and Peace, Nga Motu New Plymouth Aotearoa New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Ian Clothier
Sent: Tue 4/30/2013 12:37 PM
Subject: [Ada_list] Media art projects call for proposals

Hi ADA'ers,

Intercreate is pleased to announce the commissioning of two Media Art Projects to be realised in 2014. This is an open call for project proposals, which are due on July 1st 2013. This date is firm as the one project is for the Festival of Lights which has printing deadlines.

Hopefully though this timeframe will give people the opportunity to reflect and consider their proposal.

The Media Art Projects are open to Aotearoa New Zealand artists here and abroad. There is one project with a budget of $6000 which has an open location and resolution date in 2014, and one $3000 project that must be realised in the Fernery of Pukekura Park, during the Festival of Lights in January/February 2014. These budget figures include all associated costs.

The project description page is:

It is important that proposals respond to the information on that page. The proposals will be blind reviewed. All details about applying are on the webpage.

I'm happy to respond to any queries you might have, and to offer feedback up to the submission date.

Best and good luck

Ian M Clothier
Faculty of Humanities
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
0064 6 757 3100 x 8895


Executive Director

Jan-Feb SCANZ 2013 3rd nature (creative director)
April Creativity Challenge (organisation team), New Plymouth
May Arts, activism & academia, Auckland
May Transcontinental Hybridity, HybridCity Athens Greece
May Wai revisited, HybridCity Athens
May Transtasman Connect, Balance-UnBalance Noosa Australia
May Environmental response, Balance-UnBalance
Jun ISEA International Advisory Committee, ISEA 2013 Sydney Australia
Jun Leonardo Education and Arts forum, Theme Moderator, ISEA 2013
Oct Re-new (peer reviewer), Copenhagen

Media Art Projects, Nga Motu New Plymouth Aotearoa New Zealand
Being Light, Santa Fe USA

SCANZ 2015: Water and Peace, Nga Motu New Plymouth Aotearoa New Zealand

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