Tuesday, November 27, 2012

[Ada_list] Call for proposals - 3WD Symposium 2013

This end of the year is pretty packed of activities.
Here is a link to the newsletter: http://eepurl.com/sgjgn

Find below a call in 3 languages for Waterwheel World
Water Day Symposium (3WDS13) 22 march 2013.
Deadline 6 FEBRUARY 2013 for performances, papers, workshops and panels

Any question, don't hesitate in emailing me.
Apologies for cross postings
Looking forward to reading you :-)


VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL por debajo & VERSION FRANÇAISE tout en-dessous
blog post http://bit.ly/WWWDS13-INFO


to artists, scientists & practitioners
para artistas, scientíficos y profesionales
pour artistes, scientifiques et praticiens

22 March 2013 | 22 de marzo 2013 | 22 mars 2013
International Water Day | el Día Mundial del Agua | Journée Mondiale de
l'Eau sur/en/on Waterwheel's Tap <http://water-wheel.net/taps/view/226>

Organised by | Organizado por | Organisé par
Med A. Hammami, H. Rejeb, M. Moussa (University of Sousse) - Tunisia
S. Fuks & J. Cunningham (Waterwheel & Igneous), C. Schultz (Griffith
University) - Australia | A. Vazquez, (Reciclarte & IQlab) - Argentina
N. Rothmueller (Five Colleges, MA) - USA

INFO & GUIDELINES - download here <http://bit.ly/Call_3WDS13>
INFORMACIÓN Y DIRECTRICES - descargar aquí <http://bit.ly/CONV_3WDS13>
INFOS & DIRECTIVES - téléchargement ici <http://bit.ly/APPEL-3WDS13>

- temporalities of water and environments
- water, environment and society
- risk management: flooded cities
- new technologies and water governance

- 6 Feb 2013: CLOSING DATE for submission
- 24 Feb 2013: notifications
- 3 March 2013: closing date for supplying extra information
- 9-­12 March 2013: training on using Waterwheel & technical test
- 17 March 2013: closing dates for final versions of the selected works &
upload of media and presentation (including PowerPoint, audio, videoŠ)
- 22-23 March 2013: Symposium
- 6 months after the symposium: publication of the proceedings (book & pdf

Abstracts, performances, workshops and panel proposals must be submitted
BEFORE the 6th of February 2013 via the electronic EasyChair system
<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wwwds2013> - While this part
the process is formal, the intention is to mix session types over the
entire day. Some will be informal.

Please forward to & share with others who you think may be interested

- Temporalidades de agua y ambientes
- Agua, medio ambiente y sociedad
- Gestión de los riesgos: Ciudades Inundadas
- Nuevas tecnologías y gestión del agua

- 03 de marzo 2013: fecha límite para el suministro de información
- 9 a 12 marz 2013: formación sobre el uso (TEST) en Waterwheel y
- 17 de marzo 2013: fechas de cierre para las versiones finales de las
obras seleccionadas y carga (upload) de los medios de comunicación a
utilizar y presentaciones (incluyendo PowerPoint, audio, vídeo ...)
- 22 hasta 23 marzo, 2013: Simposio

Abstracts, performances, talleres y propuestas de paneles deberán
presentarse ANTES DEL 06 DE FEBRERO 2013 a través del sistema electrónico
EasyChair <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wwwds2013> -
que esta parte del proceso es formal, la intención es la de mezclar los
tipos de sesiones sobre el día entero. Algunos serán informales.

Favor de enviar / compartir con otras personas que usted piensa que puede
estar interesado

- les temporalités de l'eau et des milieux
- l'eau, l'environnement et la société
- la gestion des risques : les cités inondées
- les nouvelles technologies et la gouvernance de l¹eau

- 24 février 2013 : notifications
- 3 Mars 2013 : date de clôture pour fournir des infos supplémentaires
- 9-12 Mars 2013 : formation sur l'utilisation de Waterwheel, tests de
connexion et d'utilisation
- 17 Mars 2013 : date limite d'envoi des versions finales des textes des
travaux retenus, téléchargement du contenu multimédia et des présentations
(PowerPoint, audio, vidéo...)
- 22-23 Mars 2013 : Symposium
- 6 mois après le symposium : publication des actes (livre et fichier pdf)

Les propositions d'abstract, performance, atelier et table ronde doivent
être soumises AVANT le 6 février 2013 via le système électronique
EasyChair <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wwwds2013> - Si
partie du processus est formelle, l'intention est de mélanger les genres
de séances durant les 24 heures du symposium. Certaines séances seront

Veuillez partager et faire suivre ces infos à toute personne susceptible
d'être intéressée.

- Past symposium information can be found on this blog:
- Pasado el simposio la información se puede encontrar en este blog:
- Vous trouverez infos du symposium précédent sur ce blog:

Program, programas, programme:<http://is.gd/OhBcha>
Presentations, exposiciones, Présentations:<http://is.gd/UWWUsa
performances: <http://is.gd/ApMDOv <http://bit.ly/performances_3WDS12>>
Posters, Carteles: <http://is.gd/tMIGjM>
Inaugural Session: <http://is.gd/e86TaH
Review, Revisión, Presse: <http://is.gd/m8cG4C>

- Please forward to & share with others who you think may be interested
- Favor de enviar/compartir con otras personas que usted piensa que puede
estar interesado
- Veuillez partager et faire suivre ces infos à toute personne susceptible
d'être intéressée.

WATERWHEEL, Make & Share about Water

Initiator & Co-Founder of WATERWHEEL http://water-wheel.net
IGNEOUS Co-Artistic Director http://www.igneous.org.au
Skype: suzonfuks | http://suzonfuks.net
US cellphone: +1-413-362-0520
Copeland Fellow & Associate Researcher at the Women Studies Research
Centre, Five Colleges, Massachusetts – Fall semester 2012

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
It takes 3 litres of water to make 1 sheet of A4 paper & 12,000 litres to
make 500 grams of chocolate!

Ada_list mailing list

Friday, November 16, 2012

[Ada_list] #MINA2012

The Mobile Innovation Network Aotearoa [MINA] creates interactions between people, content and the creative industries.

In its second edition the Mobile Creativity and Mobile Innovation Symposium provides a platform for filmmakers, artists, designers, researchers, 'pro-d-users' and industry professionals to debate the prospect of wireless, mobile and ubiquitous technologies in a changing art and design environment and the creative industries. The symposium will explore these developments and dynamics in a transdisciplinary context. As part of the program MINA also presents the International Mobile Innovation Screening 2012 at the New Zealand Film Archive in Wellington on Friday 23rd November at 6.30pm

RSVP: http://mina2012screening.eventbrite.co.nz/.

The Mobile Creativity and Innovation Symposium will take place on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th November 2012 including a keynote by Prof. Gerard Goggin (University of Sydney).

Please see www.mina.pro for further details and symposium program. On Sunday the 25th November the MINA events conclude with an unconference session (featuring the Mobile Art Lab and eBook Production using iBooks Author workshop by Apple).

Book your tickets online at http://mina2012.eventbrite.co.nz/
Ada_list mailing list

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Re: [Ada_list] SCANZ 2013 3rd nature wānanga

hi ian,
it's a great line-up :) does "enhancing the online presentation
component" mean that you will be streaming any of the events? it would
be great to be able to tune in ...

h : )

On 14/11/12 11:27 PM, Ian Clothier wrote:
> Hi,
> The SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature wānanga line up is now online. The primary aim is to bring together people from Aotearoa and around the world to talk about integrating indigenous knowledge into art, science and technology projects. Intercreate is interested in this approach as it is considered important to resolving issues around a sustainable future. We hold that listening to the indigenous voice could be the key element. Certainly more people worldwide are appreciating this way of thinking. While some will travel here, this year we have funded the least international fares of all SCANZ events, and we are enhancing the online presentation component.
> Another important element is managing interdisciplinarity and intercultural content. Currently on the intercreate site, presentations are grouped according to category but we are working behind the scenes, to have culture and discipline flow across Māori knowledge, science and art.
> Day one of the wānanga-symposium is to be held at Owae Marae, day two is at the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT) and day three is split between WITT and Pukekura Park, where several creative projects will be viewed.
> Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru is a keynote speaker as is Nina Czegledy, an international artist-scientist who works from Canada and Hungary.
> Staff of the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, and the Institute of Environmental and Scientific Research will present.
> Local Taranaki organisations involved in the wānanga are: Owae marae representatives, Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, Matahiapo, Nga Motu Marine Reserve Society, and Friends of the Waitara River Ngaa Hoa o te Muriwai o Waitara.
> New Zealand Universities include: Massey University, University of Otago, University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology.
> International universities represented: University of Toronto, Duke University, Universität der Künste Berlin, Concordia University, Symbiotica (University of Western Australia) and Australian National University.
> International organisations include: Hackteria.org and the Australian Network for Art and Technology.
> Project partners are Creative New Zealand, Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, Matahiapo, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Puke Ariki.
> Further information
> Main site: www.intercreate.org
> Hui-symposium abstracts: http://www.intercreate.org/2012/10/scanz-2013-hui-symposium-selected-abstracts/
> Registration information and conference outline: http://www.intercreate.org/2012/10/registration-2/
> Best
> Ian Clothier
> _______________________________________________
> Ada_list mailing list
> Ada_list@list.waikato.ac.nz
> http://aotearoadigitalarts.org.nz/


helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst

Ada_list mailing list

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

[Ada_list] ISEA Sydney deadline extended... to the 30th November

Hi all,
now there is no excuse…

ISEA2013 announces 2 week extension!

Due to a number of requests, ISEA2013 has extended the Call for Participation in the Conference Program with a new deadline of Friday, 30th November. Please visit our website www.isea2013.org/conference to find more information on the formats and sub-themes for the symposium.

You now have an extra 2 weeks to upload your 300 word abstract, please submit your proposals at www.isea2013.org/submit.

If you have any questions for the Academic Committee, please email isea@anat.org.au or visit our website (www.isea2013.org).


Dr. Su Ballard | Senior Lecturer | Art History, Visual and Media Arts
Faculty of Creative Arts | University of Wollongong
Bld 25, Northfields Ave | NSW 2522, AUSTRALIA

office: 25-135
p: +61 2 4239 2545
cell: +61 448 937 464
e: sballard@uow.edu.au
web: http://www.suballard.net.nz
consultation hours:
Tuesday 9.30-11.30am and Friday 2.30-4.30


[Ada_list] SCANZ 2013 3rd nature wānanga


The SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature wānanga line up is now online. The primary aim is to bring together people from Aotearoa and around the world to talk about integrating indigenous knowledge into art, science and technology projects. Intercreate is interested in this approach as it is considered important to resolving issues around a sustainable future. We hold that listening to the indigenous voice could be the key element. Certainly more people worldwide are appreciating this way of thinking. While some will travel here, this year we have funded the least international fares of all SCANZ events, and we are enhancing the online presentation component.

Another important element is managing interdisciplinarity and intercultural content. Currently on the intercreate site, presentations are grouped according to category but we are working behind the scenes, to have culture and discipline flow across Māori knowledge, science and art.

Day one of the wānanga-symposium is to be held at Owae Marae, day two is at the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT) and day three is split between WITT and Pukekura Park, where several creative projects will be viewed.

Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru is a keynote speaker as is Nina Czegledy, an international artist-scientist who works from Canada and Hungary.

Staff of the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, and the Institute of Environmental and Scientific Research will present.

Local Taranaki organisations involved in the wānanga are: Owae marae representatives, Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, Matahiapo, Nga Motu Marine Reserve Society, and Friends of the Waitara River Ngaa Hoa o te Muriwai o Waitara.

New Zealand Universities include: Massey University, University of Otago, University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology.

International universities represented: University of Toronto, Duke University, Universität der Künste Berlin, Concordia University, Symbiotica (University of Western Australia) and Australian National University.

International organisations include: Hackteria.org and the Australian Network for Art and Technology.

Project partners are Creative New Zealand, Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, Matahiapo, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Puke Ariki.

Further information
Main site: www.intercreate.org
Hui-symposium abstracts: http://www.intercreate.org/2012/10/scanz-2013-hui-symposium-selected-abstracts/
Registration information and conference outline: http://www.intercreate.org/2012/10/registration-2/


Ian Clothier

Ada_list mailing list

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[Ada_list] Fwd: [faces-l] Dear New Zealand Faces,

hi ada people,
i'm forwarding the message below from birgit bachler, who i know through
the UpStage project & have met in person - she's very nice & friendly &
interesting, so if any of you have time to meet up with her & her
partner when they are in new zealand, please contact birgit directly,

greetings from munich,
h : )

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [faces-l] Dear New Zealand Faces,
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 13:21:39 +0100
From: me@birgitbachler.com <me@birgitbachler.com>
CC: FACES list <faces-l@lists.servus.at>

Me and my partner will be traveling to Wellington/NZ beginning of December to look into a job opportunity there,
with the possibility of the both of us moving there beginning 2013 - exciting!
I am originally Austrian, currently residing in The Netherlands but I have never lived outside Europe before,
and also have never visited New Zealand before - so this certainly is a big step / great challenge.

I would be happy to get in touch with people from NZ, or with someone who has moved there (from Europe) and can share experiences,
give hints, opinions on what to possibly expect there as a "European new media artist/designer".
And of course I would also love to meet up with some Faces during my visit beginning December, if possible.

faces-l mailing list

Monday, November 12, 2012

[Ada_list] 121212 UpStage Festival Schedule Announced

kia ora ADA

for those of you waiting in anticapation of this announcement - Finally it is here

the schedules for the 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformances have been released

in 2 parts this year - a retrospective of the last 5 festivals "Walking Backwards into the Future" (5-11 December)

More info may be found here: http://upstage.org.nz/blog/?page_id=3430
Schedule here: http://upstage.org.nz/blog/?page_id=4058

Testing 1 2 1 2 1 2 - a new format this time opening the festival one (global) day - 12 December 2012 - (and a bit of 11/13 depending on your timezone)

Info here: http://upstage.org.nz/blog/?page_id=3447
Schedule here: http://upstage.org.nz/blog/?page_id=4058

or find all these links together at www.upstage.org.nz

from your festival architects
helen & vicki ")


: vicki smith


121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance: 5-12 December 2012

Art projects:
: http://tinyurl.com/vickismithBoatProject - Navigation speculation
: http://tinyurl.com/vickismithSCANZ2013 - Pattern Recognition
