Wednesday, December 11, 2013

[Ada_list] Of interest to filmmakers - Open City Doc Fest (London seeking short and feature length documentaries)

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Submissions now open for Open City Docs Fest 2014

Open City Docs Fest are accepting submissions for the 4th edition of their festival, taking place in the heart of Bloomsbury, London in June 2014.

2013 Jurors included Jeremy Irons, Anne Applebaum, Kim Longinotto, Katerina Cizek, Andre Singer and Brian Hill.

The award categories for 2014 include Grand Jury Award, Best Emerging Director, Best UK Documentary, Best Short Film and Best MyStreet Film.

So if you've made a documentary feature or short, from anywhere in the world - click here <> to submit.

Regular Deadline: Monday 20 January 2014
Final Deadline: Monday 17 February 2014

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For further information contact
Hannah Farr
Marketing Coordinator
Open City Docs Fest: London's Global Documentary Festival
17-22 June 2014

a: 14 Taviton St, UCL, WC1H 0BW, London
m: 07535 720 230


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

[Ada_list] Aotearoa Digital Arts Network (ADA) Call for Proposals for the 2014 Mesh Cities Artist tour (fees, travel and accommodation provided)

Aotearoa Digital Arts Network (ADA) Call for Proposals for the 2014 Mesh Cities Artist tour

Expressions of interest are invited for artists working in digital media, audio, video, intermedia, and related fields to tour the nation giving masterclasses and/or workshops as part of the ADA Mesh Cities project. With at least two workshops and/or masterclasses in both the north (Te Ika a Maui) and south (Te Wai Pounamu) islands, these will include practical instruction where audiences and practitioners may learn new skills as well as participating in discussions about various aspects of media art practice, exploring issues such as inhabited spaces, social engagement, memory and speculative futures.

The artist/s will receive a fee and funding for travel and accommodation supported by ADA Mesh Cities

Full details of the call may be found here:

Deadline for applications: 20th January 2014.

Notification of successful applicants: 15th February 2014.

Tour dates announced: End of February 2014.

Further information about the ADA Mesh Cities project may be found here:

on behalf of the ADA Network Trust Board

\\ vicki smith

Cell +64 21 778 067

// ADA Mesh Cities

2013 Artist tour

Space: Network: Memory Symposium September 13-15 Dunedin (Documentation now online)

More Info here

\// - !! 10th birthday celebrations - 9/10 Jan 2014 !!
//\ - Navigation speculation
\// - Pattern Recognition

Monday, December 9, 2013


The Audio Foundation Board of Trustees wishes to inform all interested parties that our current Director and founder of Audio Foundation, Zoe Drayton, has tendered her resignation as of March 2014.

After ten dedicated years establishing a centre and national network for the support, promotion and preservation of New Zealand sound/art culture, Zoe will be returning to study for a Masters degree.

Towards this change, the Audio Foundation Board of Trustees are very pleased to announce that Jeff Henderson will be taking over the role of Director at Audio Foundation.
Jeff brings to the position, a new energy and breadth of experience as one of New Zealand's leading improvising musicians, with an international reputation and with a history of facilitating experimental music venues, (Happy), recording releases (4 iiii's label), performances and for his active support and involvement with trans-disciplinary art practices that promote and foreground sound.
Jeff will take up a full time position in March 2014 and we look forward to exciting times ahead for the Audio Foundation.

We take this opportunity to sincerely thank Zoe for her vision and unfailing commitment to the build of Audio Foundation and to wish her every success in the future and for every initiative she undertakes. Audio Foundation is flourishing and we are grateful to Zoe for all that she leaves behind her.

Audio Foundation Board of Trustees