Monday, January 14, 2013

[Ada_list] ADA 2012 and 2013

Dear ADA

We had a busy year behind the scenes in 2012, getting ready for some major projects in 2013.

The first big event for ADA in 2013 is The Netwalking Tour, a series of workshops and master classes with UK-based media artist Simon Pope that will take place in April. Pope will lead three public workshops in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, which will draw upon his recent work of walking-as-art. (

In 2012 the ADA Network received funding from CNZ through the Kahikatea scheme for the first two years of a project called "Mesh Cities Christchurch". This will be a series of events held over 2013-15 addressing the role of media arts in the city – exploring key issues such as urban space, social engagement, memory and speculative futures.

Over this period the ADA Network will host major symposia and a series of workshops and speaking tours. These events will be held in various locations throughout New Zealand, however the overall reference point for Mesh Cities will be the role of media arts in the rebuild of Christchurch. (

(Some of you responded to my request back in May for examples of media art projects engaging with urban space, with some great examples of projects. I didn't acknowledge that sufficiently at the time, but it all fed into the Kahikatea application process, so thank you for all the examples that you contributed)

More details about these events will be announced very soon, and there will be rolling updates on the ADA website (

The ADA website itself now features a lot more content, thanks to the amazing efforts of our intern Sophie Davis. Sophie did a huge amount of work updating the website and developing a plan for us to better communicate what we do. We're still working on that last part, but the website now features a full copy of the ADA reader, and updated library and project pages.

We're also very happy to be able to announce that the CNZ Kahikatea funding has enabled us to employ Vicki Smith as project manager for Mesh Cities. Vicki will be working on Mesh Cities part time over the next two years, and she will be making the first announcements for the project in the next few days.

On behalf of the ADA board, I hope you all had a relaxing and replenishing summer break,
And we are looking forward to having a lot more ADA activity for us all to participate in in 2013.

Zita : )


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