Hi ADA'ers,
Recently Creative New Zealand has been doing much to obtain statistics from the creative and cultural sector here, particularly with online benchmarking (see http://tinyurl.com/ke3tmjy) and Cultural Segments (http://tinyurl.com/lbuw833). These align really well with audience orientated performing arts, and it would be beneficial for the electronic arts (or media arts, digital media et al) sector here to have statistical and qualitative information to base assumptions on.
Both ADA and Intercreate will in the coming year be applying for additional funding, which involves speculating in some way, on the coming 1-3year period. While there is a place for blue sky thinking, it also would be good to get some feedback from you in the sector, that records in some way, your thoughts, preferences and speculations about what is important.
Consequently Intercreate has embarked on a process of collecting information, by online discussion, via a survey form and one on one interviews. This is for a period of around a month. We have asked the ADA Board if the online discussion could take place here, and they have approved this. In terms of what we do with the data, we do intend to share it and make it available to those that want it. All cited and survey data will be confidential - names and email addresses are not associated with responses in any way.
Consequently I would like to ask a question here. It is rather open admittedly but here it is:
What are the problematics of practice currently, as you see them?
Ian M Clothier
Executive Director
scanz2015:water*peace call http://www.intercreate.org/?p=1092
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Art news http://www.artnews.co.nz/winter-2013-feature/
World Tree Orchestra http://ianclothier.com/worldtreeorchestra/
Haiku robots http://vimeo.com/39573417
Istanbul http://tinyurl.com/isea2011
Albuquerque http://tinyurl.com/wai-albq
3rd nature http://www.intercreate.org/?p=1042
Senior Academic
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki http://www.witt.ac.nz
Witt Art Dept http://wittart.co.nz/
Research http://www.witt.ac.nz/About-WITT/Research/Ian-Clothier
Academia.edu http://witt.academia.edu/IanClothier
Peer review
Renew Copenhagen 2013 http://re-new.org/
World Water Day 2014 http://tinyurl.com/water2014
ISEA 2014 Dubai http://www.isea2014.org/en
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