*2014 Artist tour - {Sound Sky} Trudy Lane and Halsey Burgund*
The ADA Mesh Cities Artist Tour 2014 is being facilitated by the creative
team Trudy Lane and Halsey Burgund.
Trudy and Halsey have been working on the contributory artwork Sound
Sky, ADA are supporting their workshops and they're in Christchurch as part
of the Audacious festival March 1-2 - this weekend
*Sound Sky*
Their project *Sound Sky* (http://soundsky.org/) is a new geo-located audio
work envisioned for Christchurch, which emerged out of discussions of
memory, place and the CEISMIC archive at the first ADA Mesh Cities
Partnerships have since formed with the
Gap Filler <http://www.gapfiller.org.nz/>, and the Cantabrian Society for
Sonic Artists <http://cssa.org.nz/> (CSSA), allowing the project to take a
long-term, localised and collaborative approach. Contributed voices of the
public of Christchurch-- recalling histories, reflecting on today and
planting hopes and dreams for the future -- are the raw materials of the
work, which is to be combined with a musical score. It is a large-scale
project, which will benefit from widespread participation and community
Artists Trudy Lane (Aotearoa/NZ, http://www.thehouseofwonder.org/) and
Halsey Burgund (USA, http://halseyburgund.com) will be presenting the
workshop series. The workshops will see participants take part in various
stages of the development of the site-specific installation audio-scape *Sound
Sky* and also introduce creative practitioners to the open source platform
Roundware (http://www.roundware.org/) being used to make the work.
Workshop 1
*Christchurch, March 1 and 2, 10.00am--12.00pm.*
Held in association with the Audacious Festival of March 1-2. (
http://audacious.org.nz/). This workshop will be combined with a project
soft launch with local promotion (flyers, stencils, events), inviting the
download and use of the first version of the mobile app, workshops with
Audacious audience,and general networking with local Christchurch audiences.
*Venue: *Pallet Pavilion, 70 Kilmore Street, Christchurch
*Register:* Workshop 1 registration (Saturday)
1 Registration (Sunday)
// Aotearoa Digital Arts Network *www ada.net.nz <http://ada.net.nz>*
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