Tuesday, November 8, 2011

[Ada_list] CNZ would like feedback on media arts and digital platforms

Dear All,
CNZ are keen for feedback on their new discussion paper on Media Arts

message follows:

Creative New Zealand has published Do My Arts Look Good On This? a
discussion paper on media arts. Creative New Zealand is seeking your views
and advice on how it can best support and develop New Zealand media arts
and the arts community's use of digital platforms.

A copy of the discussion paper can be downloaded from the Creative New
Zealand website at: HYPERLINK "

By providing feedback on the discussion paper you will help Creative New
Zealand identify:
its roles and responsibilities in relation to media arts, taking into
account the funding and support already provided by central and local
government, and the private sector
its priorities for the development of media arts
how its funding programmes, and capability-building and advocacy activities
should support New Zealand media artists over the next five years
(2012–2017), and
how Creative New Zealand can best support the New Zealand arts sector to
take advantage of digital technologies and platforms.

What's in the discussion paper?

In the discussion paper you will find:

A description of what Creative New Zealand means by media arts
Background on media arts, its impact and key trends
What Creative New Zealand see as the strengths, opportunities and
challenges for media arts
Suggestions on how Creative New Zealand might support media arts and the
arts sector's use of digital platforms

How do I provide feedback?

Creative New Zealand hopes you will be able to find the time to read the
paper and respond to an online survey at: HYPERLINK "
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2R9JYCD" www.surveymonkey.com/s/2R9JYCD
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. If you would prefer,
you can provide written feedback. A return address is in the discussion

What's the deadline?

The deadline for completing the survey or sending in your written feedback
to by Monday 19 December 2011.
If you have any questions or require any further information please send
your inquiry to HYPERLINK "mailto:consultation@creativenz.govt.nz"

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