Monday, May 28, 2012

[Ada_list] Call for Film/Video Submissions- Quick Response Needed

Call for Film/Video Submissions- Quick Response Needed

The Number 8 Collective is currently in residence at Casa Tres Patios arts
project space in Medellin, Colombia. We have been asked to collate a series
of short films/videos around the thematic of water to screen at a film
evening evening at Casa Tres Patios. This is part of a larger project, see
below for a bit more detail. So send us a link so we can preview you work
if you are keen in participating. We need link by Friday 1st June. From
there we will be in contact with Drop Box details.

The Un Litro de Agua project premise is to initiate and support dialogue
between Colombian, New Zealand artists and the wider public through a
series of collaborative arts events.
Through the thematic of water, Un Litro de Agua explores similarities and
differences between cultures with an emphasis on shared aquatic
environments  locally and globally. The reflexive nature of the project
draws together artists with an eclectic range of concepts as diverse in
origin as they are in their rendering.
Un Litro de Agua is a Number 8 Collective project supported by Casa Tres
Patios, Medellín, Colombia.
Cheers Ana Terry & Don Hunter (#8C)
PS Check out the following:

Number Eight Collective
Don Hunter – Artist / Educator / Coordinator/Super Hero
Ana Terry – Artist / Educator / Writer
Phone: +64 22 1239695 (New Zealand)
Ada_list mailing list

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Re: [Ada_list] Media art and the city?

What is interesting is that this highly visible display of wealth transfer
(stockmarket reports, or the art work itself) is happening at a
corporate/private level, (increasingly so with the worldwide privatisation
of state assets) yet the fortunes of the public are increasingly dependent
on this very system they are being excluded from.


On 24 May 2012 10:21, colin hodson <> wrote:

> Hi Zita and ADA's.
> Some of Lettingspace's series of works might fit your interest - and more
> specifically, the project I did with them last year - Market Testament -
> which was an installation/intervention that broke into the inner
> architecture of a Wellington office block and ran the building's lighting
> system via a data feed conversion of the day's stock market activity.
> Interestingly to me the work appropriated the building's architecture
> without changing its form - from the outside the building might appear to
> be untouched, but it was being driven by a unique agency - that of stock
> market changes. In the sense of public space - I find it interesting that
> the private/public boundary is blurred - this private space broadcasts
> publicly by its visibility, but the broadcast itself is hermetically sealed
> within the building's insulating glass walls. In a way both
> inviting/teasing (the curtains are left undrawn) and yet gated.
> Letting Space commissioned an essay by Martin Patrick:
> Pics here:
> cheers,
> Colin
> --
> + + + + + + + + + + +
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

+ + + + + + + + + + +
+64 21 042 7886
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: [Ada_list] Media art and the city?

Hi Zita and ADA's.

Some of Lettingspace's series of works might fit your interest - and more
specifically, the project I did with them last year - Market Testament -
which was an installation/intervention that broke into the inner
architecture of a Wellington office block and ran the building's lighting
system via a data feed conversion of the day's stock market activity.

Interestingly to me the work appropriated the building's architecture
without changing its form - from the outside the building might appear to
be untouched, but it was being driven by a unique agency - that of stock
market changes. In the sense of public space - I find it interesting that
the private/public boundary is blurred - this private space broadcasts
publicly by its visibility, but the broadcast itself is hermetically sealed
within the building's insulating glass walls. In a way both
inviting/teasing (the curtains are left undrawn) and yet gated.

Letting Space commissioned an essay by Martin Patrick:

Pics here:


+ + + + + + + + + + +
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: [Ada_list] Media art and the city?

There was a project in christchurch c1993, where the city was treated as a
magazine. Different building walls were used as different pages. Imight be
wrong but i think Kate Fielder helped curate it.

Greyworld from London do a lot of interesting work. Some older pieces i
really liked were Sound awards where they asked people to nominate certain
places with interesting recurring sounds to nominate them for a sound
award. they also tuned the rails of a fence to play the girl from epanema
as you ran a stick along it.

not sure if this is the sort of thing that you were after...


On Tuesday, May 22, 2012, Zita Joyce <> wrote:
> Dear ADA
> I'm doing some research into, broadly, media art + the city: media
artists and projects that engage with public space and / or the fabric of a
> and I'm hoping to do some crowdsourcing / discussing here : )
> Obvously as I'm in Christchurch I'm particularly interested in projects
that relate to recovery, remembering, reimagining, and looking to the
future, but any suggestions, recommendations, reflections would be most
> Thanks
> Zita
> -----------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Ada_list mailing list

[Ada_list] Call for Projects | Interactivos?’12 Ljubljana. Obsolete Technologies of the Future

Área de Las Artes del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Arts Department of the Madrid City Council*
* *

Interactivos?'12 Ljubljana. Obsolete Technologies of the Future
Call for Projects

Ljudmila, Digital Medialab of Ljubjliana, in collaboration with SGMK of
Zurich and Medialab-Prado are seeking for proposals for an upcoming
workshops in collaborative prototyping which will be hold in Ljubljana
(September 5 - 15, 2012) with the participation of advisors, technical

Deadline: June 8, 2012
Call for Collaborators: starting July 2, 2012
Project development(workshop): September 5- 15, 2012

Suggested areas of focus include:

* Projects that suggest different usages of existing urban
technological infrastructures
* Rethinking outdated technologies and recycling the computer
and IT wasteland.
* Projects which allow people to interact with technology to
provoke new ways of perceiving the surrounding, the self, the
visual, the material, and stimulate aesthetic experience.
* Particular attention will be paid to projects which promote
open source communities, collaborative work and collective modes
of behavior.
* Playing with data - submissions for works, which connect data
forms and physically embody data streams, bridging 'on' and 'off'
line worlds.
* Products and services that provide sustainable solutions for
our needs, including the use of open data, data mash ups and remixes.

We are seeking proposals for:

* Installations (interactive, responsive, generative)
* Performances (participatory, gesticular, dance)
* Visualisations (moving images, generative, projections,
* Free Software (FLOSS) / Open Hardware / Open Design /
Services / Start-ups / Apps / Devices

The open call is aimed at designers, artists, engineers, coders,
sociologists, architects, city planners, teachers, programmers,
psychologists, journalists, environmentalists... or to any other person
interested in the theme of the workshop.

Complete information and guidelines:

Advisors: Luka Frelih, Ida Hirsenfelder, Chris Sugrue and Yago Torroja.

**Activity within the framework of Studiolab European project:

Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Intermediae Matadero Madrid
Paseo de la Chopera, 14 28045 Madrid
(Temporary Location)
Tel. +34 915 177 288
Twitter: @medialabprado

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

[Ada_list] Media art and the city?

Dear ADA

I'm doing some research into, broadly, media art + the city: media artists and projects that engage with public space and / or the fabric of a city,

and I'm hoping to do some crowdsourcing / discussing here : )

Obvously as I'm in Christchurch I'm particularly interested in projects that relate to recovery, remembering, reimagining, and looking to the future, but any suggestions, recommendations, reflections would be most appreciated!



Ada_list mailing list

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

[Ada_list] v2 DEAF symposium in Amsterdam

Kia Ora / Greetings

The Dutch Electronic Arts Festival (DEAF) symposium will be streamed live (GMT + 1 hour) on May 16th
and the website states that the stream will be repeated or also available on May 17th (GMT + 1)

The programme is below. The rest of the DEAF festival is location in Rotterdam and I've seen no indication that this will be streamed. More is here >

naku na, Sonja

> *Vital Beauty - Symposium and Publication*
> May 16, De Balie, Amsterdam
> Prior tot the opening in Rotterdam, V2_ organizes the symposium Vital
> Beauty in de Balie in Amsterdam.
> *Program:*?
> 09:45--10:30 Lars Spuybroek: Introduction and moderation?
> 10:30--11:30 Thierry Bardini: Hints of a Junk Aesthetic?
> 11:30--12:30 Wendy Steiner: Beauty as Interaction?
> 13:30--14:30 Arjen Mulder: The Beauty of Agency Art?
> 14:30--15:30 Tim Ingold: Lines and the Weather
> 15:30--16:30 Philip Beesley: Protocell Field
> Tickets available at
> The publication /Vital Beauty: Reclaiming Aesthetics in the Tangle of
> Technology and Nature/ will be released during the symposium. With
> essays and interviews by Thierry Bardini, Caroline van Eck, Gustav
> Fechner, Mark Frost, George Gessert, Tim Ingold, Arjen Mulder, John
> Ruskin, Wendy Steiner and Daniel N. Stern.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

[Ada_list] make-shift tonight

hi everyone over there in nz,
if you are up late tonight you can catch a make-shift event, starting at
11pm nz time.

go to & click on "live link here" then click the
link to enter the stage, & join in some real-time participatory
networked collaborative thoughtful playful creative fun! :)

hope to see some of you in the chat,
h : )


helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst

Ada_list mailing list

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

[Ada_list] make-shift 11-13 May - Brighton, Berlin & online

a networked performance about connectivity & consequences

Join the make-shift marathon this weekend with a choice of three events,
connecting homes in Brighton and Berlin. German and Italian translations
of key performance texts are available online during the event.

Friday 11 May: 8pm (UK), 9pm (CET)
find your local time here:

Saturday 12 May: 5pm (UK), 6pm (CET)
find your local time here:

Sunday 13 May: 12pm (UK), 1pm (CET)
find your local time here:

To participate online, go to and click NEXT LIVE EVENT

To participate in the houses in Berlin or Brighton, email; places are limited!

In Brighton, all three events are hosted by Janina Moninska from Live
Art Salon at Queens Park as part of the Brighton Fringe Festival.
The Berlin events are hosted by Sandra Sarala (Friday & Saturday) and
Brina & Nikolaus (Sunday).

You are also welcome to attend the simultaneous interactive screenings:
11 May 8pm: G4, Grand Parade, Brighton University
12 May 6pm: Noymann-Miller, Friedenau, Berlin:

make-shift OTS
Support the project by by purchasing optional ticket(s): every ticket
comes with a special thank you from Dave and is available for any
make-shift event (past or future). Pay with a credit/debit card or
PayPal account by clicking the "donate" button on the make-shift web
site The recommended ticket price is ten
euros, but you are welcome to pay more or less - depending on the
relational value of your national currency, your personal circumstances,
and what the project is worth to you.

Click here to read the full email newsletter in a browser:

make-shift is devised and brokered by Paula Crutchlow and Helen Varley
Jamieson. A Blind Ditch project originally commissioned by Beaford Arts
and supported by UpStage. These events are part of a regional (UK)and
international tour supported by the National Lottery through Arts
Council England and Exeter Arts Council.

a networked performance about connectivity & consequences


helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst

Ada_list mailing list

Monday, May 7, 2012

[Ada_list] Revised symposium call and extended deadline


We have revised the call for SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature symposium and hui presentations and papers, and therefore extended the deadline for abstracts. Our intention is to meet PBRF standards for research outputs. The hui/symposium would be for next years research outputs. By the same token, both peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed strands are available.

Aotearoa New Zealand is in a unique and leading position worldwide due to the length of the discussion with tangata whenua. Former Crown Research Institutes such as NIWA and GNS, and government departments such as DoC have staff whose position entails being active at the boundary of Maori and scientific knowledges. While tangata whenua remain disadvantaged in overall terms, this position of knowledge bases side by side is far from the situation in many countries.

Many of you will have excellent insight into working across cultures and engaging with digital media and the environment. It would be great to see you at SCANZ 2013. Working across cultures is not viewed as only referring to the Maori/European border, multicultural situations are relevant.

Call for abstracts: SCANZ 2013 3rd nature hui and symposium

Feb 1st – 3rd 2013, abstracts due June 15th 2012
Ngamotu New Plymouth, Aotearoa New Zealand

Keynote speakers: Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru and artist-scientist Nina Czegledy (Adjunct Associate Professor, Concordia University)

We know we have built a civilisation which is unsustainable. How are we developing today the new culture that will allow us to create a sustainable civilisation? — Roger Malina, Astrophysicist and Editor of Leonardo

Integrating indigenous perspectives with creative, environmental, scientific and academic views on reality is essential to a sustainable future. At the same time, computing and digital media are changing our relationship to culture and the environment.

On the one hand digital technology allows us to analyse and display data in new ways, as when anthropologists use language databases to shed light on the movement of culture.

On the other hand digital technology adds to our senses, and extends them beyond the body to the forests and the land. Scientists (along with artists and others) are transforming Aotearoa New Zealand into an organism, as Maori have always known it to be.

SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature will bring together diverse people to discuss and celebrate how to approach working together across culture, discipline and media. We must work together to resolve the issues emerging at the boundary between fresh knowledge and deep knowledge, beginning with sharing knowledge and projects.

Presentations and projects which highlight cross cultural interchange and/or computing and electronics projects are sought. The ensuing discussion, exhibition documentation and presentations will then be shared in a special edition of Leonardo Electronic Almanac, the online publication of Leonardo – the leading Massachusetts Institute of Technology journal. Abstracts are due June 15th 2012. A robust process will be followed.

For more information and detail on the submission process go to

The full url is:


Ian M Clothier
Faculty of Humanities
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
0064 6 757 3100 x 8895

March Waterwheel (online) presentation Tunisia
May Presentation at Technoetic telos - Planetary Collegium, Kefalonia Greece
Sept Wai (curator) at 516Arts, ISEA 2012 Albuquerque
Sept Bus garden at ISEA 2012 Albuquerque

Jan-Feb SCANZ 2013 3rd nature (creative director)
Jun Sea of Ubiquity ISEA 2013

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

[Ada_list] SCANZ 2013 residency proposals due May 15th

Hi All,

Now we are swiftly swinging into May, a reminder that the second call for SCANZ 2013 Residency proposals closes on May 15th. Please see the below for further details:

SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature

* -- Download the Open Call pdf for further application instructions -- *

Who is coming to SCANZ 2013?
Below are the currently confirmed artists selected for the SCANZ 2013 two week creative residency, from the previous proposal round. There is also an additional set of artists/creatives with whom we are in discussion.

Ricardo O'Nascimento --,
Scenocosme (Gregory Lasserre and Anais met den Ancxt) --
Darko Fritz --
Hideo Iwasaki (exhibition) --
Ilka Nelson --
Agnese Trocchi and Giovanna Dante --
Sonja van Kerkhoff --
Kate Genevieve --
Jo Tito --
Pierre Proske and Damian Stewart --,
Jayce Salloum (screening) --
Vicki Smith --
Dr Tracey M Benson --

We encourage you to send us any questions, and to put forward your thoughts and project proposals for this selection round.

Please also forward this proposal information to others who you think may be interested to join us for either the residency or the hui/symposium events.

Very best.
// Trudy Lane

On 5/04/2012, at 3:05 PM, Ian Clothier wrote:

> Hi,
> We are pleased to let everyone know that the SCANZ 2013 3rd nature symposium (and exhibition documentation) will form the contents of a special edition of Leonardo Electronic Almanac. There is call information at:
> Call for abstracts
> Integrating indigenous perspectives with creative, environmental, scientific and academic views on reality is essential to our future. We must work together to resolve the issues facing humanity. SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature will bring together diverse people to discuss and celebrate how to approach working together across cultures and disciplines.
> Who should attend?
> Tangata whenua, indigenous peoples, scientists, artists, environmentalists, academics, philosophers, educationalists, musicians, teachers, technologists, and those concerned about sustainability, the future of Earth and humanity.
> The first day of the hui will be held at Owae marae. Keynote speakers presently confirmed are Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru (Aotearoa New Zealand) and International Research Fellow Nina Czegledy (Canada & Hungary). The second two days will be at the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki campus.
> Presentations
> There are four types of presentations which will be reviewed by robust process: peer reviewed, panel presentation, solutions and individual.
> Abstracts (500 word maximum) are due May 15th 2013. There are both peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed tracks.
> We are using the conference management system Easy Chair. You need an Easy Chair log in. The page to go is:
> Further information covering submission process is available at the Intercreate web page. While this part of the process is formal, the intention is to mix session types over the three days. Some will be informal.
> Above all it is the dialogue that will be interesting.
> Best and we hope to see you there.
> Ian Clothier
> Ian Clothier |Senior Academic | Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT) | 20 Bell Street | Private Bag 2030 | New Plymouth 4342 | DDI: (06) 757 3100 ext 8895 | Fax: (06) 757 3277 | Email | Website:
> 2012
> March Waterwheel presentation
> May Presentation at Technoetic telos
> Sept Wai (curator) at 516Arts, ISEA 2012 Albuquerque
> Sept Bus garden at ISEA 2012 Albuquerque
> 2013
> Jan-Feb SCANZ 2013 3rd nature (creative director)
> Jun Sea of Ubiquity ISEA 2013
> _______________________________________________
> Ada_list mailing list
{ Cross-pollinating creativity in art, science, culture & technology }

Trudy Lane, Programme Director
.- --- - . .- .-. --- .- .-. .- .-. .- -. --. .- - .- -. --. .- - .-
e: m: +64 21 528 321