At 10.45pm NZ time tomorrow night 22nd March I will be presenting (from Taranaki) at the Waterwheel symposium in Tunisia on World Water Day. The presentation is involves discussing the cultural bridge established with WITT's Ahorangi Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru.
A bridge between Maori knowledge and Western science and ideology was created for the project Te Kore Rongo Hungaora Uncontainable Second Nature shown in Istanbul and Rio (the latter a smaller version) last year. The bridging of ideologies across cultural boundaries can be seen widely in Aotearoa, in particular with the Department of Conservation, NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) and Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS).
There is worldwide interest in working across cultures and this is a major platform for all Intercreate Research Centre projects including SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature, January 19-February 4 2013. It is hoped that the symposium will address this subject directly, and result in knowledge and resources that can be spread.
Cultural bridging requires an important psychological step, particularly on the part of those in the Western framework of culture and knowledge. To find out what this is, please check out the presentation.
I would also be interested in any discussion about the points above.
Ian Clothier
-----Original Message-----
From: ada_list-bounces@list.waikato.ac.nz [mailto:ada_list-bounces@list.waikato.ac.nz] On Behalf Of suzon fuks
Sent: Tuesday, 13 March 2012 10:45 p.m.
To: Ada_list@list.waikato.ac.nz
Subject: [Ada_list] INVITATION to the Symposium on 22/23March 2012 World Water Day
More than 50 participants scientists, artists and professionals from 5 continents will present & interact with people at Sousse University in Tunisia, and with UCLA Nanosystems Centre in LA.
Program: http://bit.ly/Symposium_Program-22March2012
Media Release (English): http://bit.ly/En-MEDIA_RELEASE - please distribute Communique (francais): http://bit.ly/Fr-COMMUNIQUE - veuillez distribuer
The symposium will promote exchange between all those who are, for various reasons, concerned with water issues, land management and hydraulic infrastructure, for a better sharing of knowledge and governance thanks to Waterwheel, an online platform dedicated to Water http://water-wheel.net/
Symposium is free. It will be introduced by Riccardo Petrella (author of 'The Water Manifesto') and Ulay (known for his performances with Marina Abramovic, photo/videographer, activist), joined later by Professor Jean-Paul Laborie (Fr) and Victoria Vesna, Co-Director of UCLA Nanosystems Centre, USA
HOWTO on the Day
To view the Symposium LIVE ONLINE, open your browser and go to http://water-wheel.net/tap , click the top-most Symposium link If the TAP EVENT is still yet to begin, please reload the page after the designated time. On the top right, chose to type a username or stay anonymous, and click "ENTER".
Participants are from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman Sultanate, Portugal, Saoudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, United Kingdom and USA:
Aafke de Jong, Alessandro Carboni, Amin Hammami, Daniel Nilsson, Diana Lebensohn, Diane Cheklich, Eklavaya Prasad, Esteban Insinger, Fabian Kesler, Feirouz Meghdich, Gil Kuno, Hedva Eltanani, Hichem Rejeb, Ian Clothier, Jondi Keane, Julie Robson, Karim BelHaj Farhat, Keith Armstrong, Lucas Ihlein, Luís Alberto Bittencourt, Ian Milliss, Maartje Belmer, Mahesh Vinayakram, Malek Lataoui, Maria Chatzichristodoulou aka Maria X, Mary Gardner, Mohamed Moussa, Naoufel Souayah, Nathalie Fougeras, Nebiha Bayrem, Nizar Sayari, Pauline O'conell, Peggy Christina Marshall-Amundsen, Radhouan Nciri, Rim Awali, Roger Alsop, Sana Mezoughi, Silvia Rigon, Suzon Fuks, Tom Skipp, Vicki Smith, Walid Lataoui, West Marrin, Yasmin Attia Zahra, and Prof aka Jeff Turpin.
For more info: symposium@water-wheel.net
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